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Privacy Policy

What is a Privacy Policy

A Privacy Policy is a document that describes how an organization collects, uses, stores, and protects users' personal data. This document informs users about the types of information collected, the purposes for which it is used, and with whom it may be shared. The Privacy Policy ensures transparency and compliance with data protection laws by providing users with the necessary awareness to understand and control the use of their personal data. It also includes details about users' rights regarding their data, such as the right to access, rectify, or delete personal information.

A Privacy Policy is typically structured into several key sections to ensure clarity and completeness. It begins with an introduction explaining the importance of the document and the organization's commitment to data protection. This is followed by a section on data collection, which describes what types of personal information are collected and how it is collected. The data use section explains how and why the data is used. Another important section covers data sharing, indicating with whom and under what conditions the data may be shared. The policy also includes details on data retention and protection, specifying how long the data will be kept and the security measures in place. Finally, the user rights section describes the rights users have regarding their personal data and how to exercise them, along with information on how to contact the organization for privacy-related questions or requests.

How to Set Up the Privacy Policy

To set up the Privacy Policy on Avacy, from the home screen, select the web space you want to work on and once inside, click on the section related to the Privacy Policy. Alternatively, click on "Privacy Policy" from the side menu.

From this page, Avacy allows you to set up the Privacy Policy in three different ways:

  • Generate using a guided template, which requires no specific expertise and allows anyone to generate a customized policy by answering simple questions about their web space.
  • Link to an existing privacy policy, if you already have one. In this mode, simply enter the URL of the page on your web space that contains the privacy policy so Avacy can include it in the cookie banner.
  • Manual entry, to insert your Privacy Policy text manually.

Generating the Privacy Policy Using a Guided Template

The guided generation allows anyone to generate a customized policy by answering simple questions about their web space.

To start the guided generation, follow these steps:

  1. If you want to display the list of vendors in your Privacy Policy, enable the option “Show your list of vendors in the Privacy Policy” (recommended).
  2. For each of the languages of your web space, select the translation in which to display the Privacy Policy.
  3. Click the “Edit your guided policy” button.
  4. A window will open asking you to enable the rows corresponding to the features of your web space.
  5. If you wish to see a preview of the Privacy Policy you are generating, click the “Privacy Policy Preview” tab at the top.
  6. Click the “Generate Privacy Policy” button at the bottom to confirm.
  7. You will return to the main page where, after clicking the “Save and Publish Privacy Policy” button at the bottom left, you will see the links to your policies in the different languages of your web space on the right side of the screen. To add them to your site, click “Copy Link” and remember that the Privacy Policy link must be present on every page of your site (usually placed in the footer).

⚠️ NOTE: The automatic Privacy Policy creation screen provides a convenient way to obtain a customized document, saving time and effort. It is important to remember that while the automatically generated Privacy Policy can be a good starting point, it is always advisable to consult a legal professional to ensure compliance with applicable privacy laws in your country or jurisdiction.

If you need to modify your Privacy Policy in the future, simply click the “Edit Your Guided Privacy Policy” button: the window will reopen and you can select different features for your web space.

⚠️ N.B. The data controller's details are an essential piece of information to display in the Privacy Policy: if they are not included, it will not be possible to generate the Privacy Policy using the guided template.

Linking to Your Existing Privacy Policy

This mode allows you to link your current Privacy Policy to Avacy if you already have one published on your site.

To link your Privacy Policy, in each field corresponding to the relevant language, paste the URL of the webpage containing the Privacy Policy in that language. After clicking save, you will have completed the linking with Avacy, which will be able to include the link to the Privacy Policy in the cookie banner.

Manual Generation of the Privacy Policy

With manual Privacy Policy generation, you have the option to insert a custom text.

To begin manual generation, click the “Insert Privacy Policy” button corresponding to the language you want to work with. A window with a text editor will open where you can write or paste your text. To confirm, click the “Generate Privacy Policy” button at the bottom right.

You will return to the main page where, after clicking on the "Save and Publish Privacy Policy" button at the bottom left, you will see the links to your policies generated on the right side of the screen in the various languages of your web space. To insert them into your site, click on "Copy Link" and remember that the link to the Privacy Policy must be present on every page of your site (it is usually placed in the footer).

Customizing the Privacy Policy Text with a Guided Template

If you have generated the Privacy Policy using the guided template but need to modify the text, follow these steps:

  1. On the Privacy Policy page set up with the guided template, click the “Edit Your Guided Privacy Policy” button at the bottom left.
  2. In the window that opens, click on the “Privacy Policy Preview” tab and, at the bottom, click on the “Do you want to customize the texts of your Privacy Policy?” option. This option allows you to switch to manual generation starting from the guided template you have created. You can modify the texts but will lose the automatic updates of the guided template. To proceed, click the “Switch to Manual Generation” button.
  3. You will then be redirected to the Privacy Policy with manual generation where, in the text editor, you will find the text generated by the guided privacy policy that you can freely modify.
  4. To confirm, click the Create Privacy Policy” button.
  5. You will return to the main page where, after clicking the “Save and Publish Privacy Policy” button at the bottom left, you will see your updated policies.

Embed Avacy's Privacy Policy on your site

If you have generated the privacy policy with Avacy and wish to embed it within a page of your site, simply go to the privacy policy page of the web space and click on the "Embed" button next to the link relating to the desired language.

A window will open containing the code to copy to your site. Click on the “Copy code” button, close the window using the appropriate button and paste the code into a page of your site.

Not updated versione of the Privacy Policy

If you have published your Privacy Policy through the guided mode and subsequently an update of Avacy has been released, you might see a notice on the privacy policy page of one of your web spaces informing you that a more updated version of the policy generator has been released.

If you wish to update the generator to the latest version, simply click on the "Proceed to the most updated version" button in the notice.

⚠️ NB: If you update the configurator to the latest version, the currently online policy will be deleted and you will need to reconfigure it from scratch.

If you wish to continue using the current version without updating, simply ignore the notice.