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What Are Cookies

A cookie on the web is a small text file that a website stores on your device. It is used to track and remember information about your visits and online activities, such as browsing preferences, login status, or shopping cart contents. Cookies help to improve the user experience by personalizing content and making navigation more efficient.

Users can manage cookies through their browser settings, allowing them to accept, block, or delete cookies according to their preferences. However, disabling essential cookies may affect the functionality of some websites.

On your website, it is mandatory to disclose which cookies are used to comply with data protection and privacy laws, such as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. These regulations require websites to be transparent about the collection and use of users' personal data, including cookies. Failing to properly disclose cookies and obtain the necessary consent can lead to significant penalties. Regulatory authorities can impose substantial fines, and websites may suffer reputational damage.

Managing Cookies with Avacy

Managing cookies with a Consent Management Platform (CMP) like Avacy simplifies the compliance process with privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA. Here’s how Avacy can help you manage cookies effectively:

  • Perform a scan of your site to identify the technologies present.
  • Add the detected cookies to your Cookies List.
  • Check the Cookies List to ensure all cookies present on your web space are included and publish it.
  • Link your existing Cookie Policy or generate a new one using Avacy.

To view the results of a scan, go to the web space dashboard and in the “Scansions” box, click the "View" button next to the scan you want to examine.

Within each scan, you can view the section dedicated to vendors and the section for cookies.

In the cookies section, select one or more cookies from the table of detected cookies and click the "Add selection to cookies list" button.

If the button for a row is disabled, the cookie has already been added to your list.

⚠️ WARNING: Each time you add new cookies to the cookies list, to ensure that the changes are published online, you need to go to the “Cookies List” page, accessible from the side menu, and click the “Save and Publish Cookies List” button.

To view, modify, and publish the cookies list, click the corresponding button in the side menu.
The Cookies List is made up of a table containing all the cookies that you and your team have added.

It may happen that Avacy does not have all the data related to a cookie: in this case, the row corresponding to this will be highlighted in yellow. To resolve the issue, locate the row with incomplete data and click on More Actions > Edit Cookie. Then, enter the missing data.

To delete a cookie, select one or more rows in the table corresponding to the cookies you want to remove and click More Actions > Delete Cookie.

Each time you modify the list, to ensure that the changes are published online, click the “Save and Publish Cookies List” button.

Changes made to the cookies list are automatically reflected in the cookie policy. Any modifications, saving, or addition of cookies to the list are automatically updated in the cookie policy, allowing for precise and up-to-date management of cookies present on the web space.

It is possible to add a cookie even if it does not come from a scan. From the cookie list, click on the “Add new cookie” button at the top right.

In the first step you will have to fill in the fields with the data relating to the cookie*, entering name, category, host, duration, type and possible description.

In the second step you can activate the option to connect the cookie to a supplier on your list and choose it from the list.

Finally click on “Create cookie” at the bottom right to conclude and add the cookie to your list. Remember to click on “Save and publish cookie list” to save the changes.