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Cookie Policy

A Cookie Policy is a document that informs users about how a website uses cookies and other tracking technologies. It is typically structured into several key sections to ensure transparency and compliance with privacy regulations. The policy starts with an explanation of what cookies are, followed by a description of the different types of cookies used (e.g., technical cookies, performance cookies, functionality cookies, and targeting cookies). Each section includes specific details on which cookies are used, their purposes, the duration of their storage, and with whom the collected data is shared. The Cookie Policy also explains how users can manage or disable cookies through browser settings or tools provided by the site. Additionally, it includes information on user rights concerning their personal data and how they can exercise these rights, along with contact details for any privacy-related questions or requests.

To set up the Cookie Policy on Avacy, from the home screen, select the web space you want to work on and once inside, click on the section related to the Cookie Policy. Alternatively, click on "Cookie Policy" from the side menu.

From this page, Avacy allows you to set up the Cookie Policy in three different ways:

  • Generate using a guided template, which requires no specific expertise and allows you to create a customized policy.
  • Link to your existing Cookie Policy, if you already have one. In this mode, simply enter the URL of the page on your web space that contains the Cookie Policy so Avacy can include it in the cookie banner.
  • Manual entry, to insert your Cookie Policy text manually.

The guided generation allows you to create a customized Cookie Policy using Avacy.

To start the guided generation, follow these steps:

  1. For each of the languages of your web space, select the translation in which to display the Cookie Policy.
  2. Click the Edit Guided Generation” button.
  3. A window will open where you can see a preview of the Cookie Policy you are generating.
  4. Click the “Generate Cookie Policy” button at the bottom to confirm.
  5. You will return to the main page where, after clicking the “Save and Publish Cookie Policy” button at the bottom left, you will see the links to your policies in the different languages of your web space on the right side of the screen. To add them to your site, click “Copy Link” and remember that the Cookie Policy link must be present on every page of your site (usually placed in the footer).

This mode allows you to link your current Cookie Policy to Avacy if you already have one published on your site.

To link your Cookie Policy, in each field corresponding to the relevant language, paste the URL of the webpage containing the Cookie Policy in that language. After clicking save, you will have completed the linking with Avacy, which will be able to include the link to the Cookie Policy in the cookie banner.

With manual generation, you have the option to insert a custom text for your Cookie Policy.

To start manual generation, click the “Insert Cookie Policy” button corresponding to the language you want to work with. A window with a text editor will open where you can write or paste your text. To confirm, click the “Generate Cookie Policy” button at the bottom right.

If you have generated the Cookie Policy using the guided template but need to modify the text, follow these steps:

  1. On the Cookie Policy page set up with the guided template, click the “Edit Your Guided Cookie Policy” button at the bottom left.
  2. In the window that opens, click on the “Cookie Policy Preview” tab and, at the bottom, click on the “Do you want to customize the texts of your Cookie Policy?” option. This option allows you to switch to manual generation starting from the guided template you have created. You can modify the texts but will lose the automatic updates of the guided template. To proceed, click the “Switch to Manual Generation” button.
  3. You will then be redirected to the Cookie Policy with manual generation where, in the text editor, you will find the text generated by the guided policy that you can freely modify.
  4. To confirm, click the “Edit Cookie Policy” button.
  5. You will return to the main page where, after clicking the “Save and Publish Cookie Policy” button at the bottom left, you will see your updated policies.

If you have generated the cookie policy with Avacy and wish to embed it within a page of your site, simply go to the cookie policy page of the web space and click on the "Embed" button next to the link relating to the desired language.

A window will open containing the code to copy to your site. Click on the “Copy code” button, close the window using the appropriate button and paste the code into a page of your site.