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Duplicate a Web Space

If you need to add a new web space with similar characteristics to one that is already part of your Team, you can consider duplicating it to copy some settings and thus shorten the working time.

To duplicate, start from the home page, find the parent web space, and click at the end of its row on the button More actions > Duplicate web space. Alternatively, enter the parent web space, click on "Web Space Settings" at the top right, and look for the "Duplicate web space" option.

A window will open where you can specify which data the duplicated space should inherit, among:

  • Cookie Banner
  • Privacy Policy
  • Cookie Policy
  • List of Cookies and Providers
  • Data of the Data Controller

Avacy will then ask you to enter the URL of the new web space and optionally activate periodic automatic scans. Once you click "Duplicate web space," it will be created and accessible along with the others from the home.