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What is a Team

A team is a shared virtual space among multiple users and managed by at least one administrator. On Avacy, each user must be part of at least one Team, and if they do not have one, they will be automatically prompted to create a new one after logging in.

Within a Team, you can add one or more web spaces (domains such as to manage their compliance with Avacy, allowing all members of that Team to work on them.

Example: John Doe creates the Team "John Doe SRL", invites Paul White to collaborate on the Team, and adds the web space Both John and Paul will be able to view and work on

Within a Team, you can assign different roles to members. To learn more about managing Team members, read this guide.

Change the name of a team

To change a Team name, go to the “Team Settings” page, accessible from the top navigation menu by clicking on the Team name. In the “Team Information” section, go to the “Team Name” field and click the “Edit Team Name” button.

The field will become editable, and you can enter the new name for your Team. The name of a Team must be unique, so if the name you have assigned already exists, you will be asked to propose another.

Once you have chosen the new name, click the “Save Team Name” button to confirm.

Delete a team

To delete a Team, go to the “Team Settings” page, accessible from the top navigation menu by clicking on the Team name. Then choose the “Team Information” tab and click the “Delete Team” button at the bottom left.

Deleting a Team will permanently remove all its web spaces from Avacy, and all Team accounts will lose access to them.

Create a new team

On Avacy, it is possible to create more than one Team, to be managed individually or with other accounts. To create a new one, from any page, click the current Team name in the top navigation menu, and in the dropdown menu that opens, click "Create new Team".

  1. Choose the Team name: On the page that opens, you will be asked to choose a name for your Team. The name of a Team must be unique, so if the name you have assigned already exists, you will be asked to propose another.
  2. Choose the payment plan: Next, Avacy will ask you to choose the payment plan for your Team and the number of web spaces you want to manage compliance for, i.e., the number of sites on which you want to use Avacy. To learn more about the features of each plan, visit this page. You can also decide whether to subscribe to a monthly or annual plan by clicking the button under the title. Once you have identified the plan that best suits your needs, click the "Select plan" button of the corresponding plan.
  3. Enter billing information: In the next step, you will need to enter the billing information to which the Avacy invoice will be addressed and, after clicking proceed, enter the payment details.

When everything has been successfully completed, you will be redirected to the order confirmation page where, by clicking the "Go to home" button, you will be redirected to the home of the newly created Team.

Switch to another Team

If you are part of multiple Teams, you can choose at any time to work on the Team of your preference. Remember that the top right navigation menu will always show the Team you are currently working on.

To switch to another Team you are part of, click on the current Team name at the top right, and from the dropdown menu, click "Change Team". You will see a list of all the Teams you are part of, and you can select the one you want to enter.

Once clicked, you will land on the selected Team's home.