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Configuration object

In this section, we will describe the structure of the banner configuration object to illustrate what is actually inserted into the page through the script.

The configuration object is a JSON containing the parameters required to generate the banner. As mentioned earlier, the object is generated by the Avacy SaaS platform from the designated section for a specific domain group, and each label corresponds to a specific input field in the SaaS. Any changes made to the banner result in overwriting the configuration object with the updated values, implying that there is no versioning of the banner.

    "auto_language": true,
    "customVendorListUrl": "https://cdn.url.test/custom-vendor-list.json",
    "logo_url": "",
    "close_without_consents": true,
    "publisher": "publisher_name",
    "deviceEnvironment": "web", // oppure 'native' per ambiente mobile
    "config_version": 1,
    "policy_version": 2,
    "advanced_settings": true,
    "iabVendorListUrl": "",
    "timeout": -1,
    "poi_activate_poi": false,
    "poi_group_name": "PoiGroupName",
    "poi_hub_origin": "",
    "poi_hub_path": "/hub.html",
    "show_limited_vendors_only": true,
    "iabVendorWhitelist": [3, 4, 5],
    "atpWhitelist": [39, 43, 46],
    "additionalConsentUrl": "",
    "publicPath": "/",
    "cookie_expires_in_days": 15,
    "language": "it",
    "languages": {
      "it": {
        "localeId": "it",
        "version": 1,
        "texts": {
          "label_intro_heading": "Cookies and Advertising on This Site",
          "label_button_yes": "I Consent",
          "label_intro": "This site uses cookies and similar tools, including third-party ones, to measure consumption and ensure the enjoyment of digital content, facilitate navigation, and offer targeted advertising. To learn more, you can view the extended policy <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">by clicking here</a>. To deny consent or manage your preferences, use the \"EXPRESS PREFERENCES\" button. By pressing \"I CONSENT\", you agree to the use of cookies and similar tools.",
          "label_cpc_heading": "Cookies and Advertising on This Site",
          "label_cpc_text": "You can view the Extended Cookie Policy at the following <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">link</a>.",
          "label_cpc_activate_all": "Activate All",
          "label_cpc_deactivate_all": "Deactivate All",
          "label_third_party": "IAB TCF Compliant Vendors",
          "label_cpc_purpose_title": "Purposes",
          "label_cpc_special_purpose_title": "Special Purposes",
          "label_cpc_feature_title": "Features",
          "label_cpc_special_feature_title": "Special Features",
          "label_cpc_read_less": "Read Less.",
          "label_cpc_read_more": "Read More...",
          "label_button_back": "Back",
          "label_button_advanced_settings": "Express Preferences",
          "label_custom_thirdparty_heading": "Other Vendors",
          "label_third_party_object_legint": "Legitimate Interest for Vendors",
          "label_cpc_purpose_optout_confirm_heading": "Are You Sure?",
          "label_cpc_purpose_optout_confirm_text": "These settings will change your experience on the site.",
          "label_cpc_purpose_optout_confirm_proceed": "Continue",
          "label_cpc_purpose_optout_confirm_cancel": "Cancel",
          "label_poi_group_list_heading": "Business Units List",
          "label_poi_group_list_text": "Business Units",
          "label_thirdparty_list_heading": "Your Consent for Third-Party Software",
          "label_thirdparty_list_text": "Here is a list of third-party software.",
          "label_nocookie_head": "In order to be able to provide our services in the best possible way, cookies must be activated in your browser.",
          "label_nocookie_text": "Please activate cookies in your browser settings. You can do this in <a href=\";hl=en-GB\" class=\"as-oil__intro-txt--link\" target=\"_blank\">Google Chrome</a> or <a href=\"\" class=\"as-oil__intro-txt--link\" target=\"_blank\">Firefox</a>.",
          "label_cpc_legal_purpose_consent": "Purposes (Consent)",
          "label_cpc_legal_purpose_leg_int": "Purposes (Legitimate Interest)",
          "label_cpc_legal_special_purposes": "Special Purposes",
          "label_cpc_legal_features": "Features",
          "label_cpc_legal_special_features": "Special Features",
          "label_third_party_description": "These services comply with the <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"\">IAB Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF)</a>.",
          "label_cpc_save": "Save and Continue",
          "label_cpc_legint_box_text": "Allow this service to process your data based on legitimate interest.",
          "label_cpc_legint_infobox_title": "Legitimate Interest",
          "label_cpc_legint_infobox_description": "A \"legitimate interest\" is an interest that, according to applicable legislation, justifies the processing of personal data.<br>Services that choose to rely on a legitimate interest can process your data unless you object to such processing.<br><p><b>By unchecking this box, you exercise your right to object.</b></p>",
          "label_additional_consent_heading": "Google Partner"
    "visual_configuration" : {
      "colors": {
          "text_color_primary": "#80888c",
          "text_color_secondary": "#262628",
          "background_color": "#f9f9f9",
          "secondary_background_color": "#dedede",
          "accent_primary": "#0099f2",
          "btn_primary_background": "#0099f2",
          "btn_primary_background_hover": "#0d9ef3",
          "btn_primary_text_color": "#ffffff",
          "btn_secondary_background": "#0099f2",
          "btn_secondary_background_hover": "#0d9ef3",
          "btn_secondary_text_color": "#ffffff",
          "btn_disabled_background": "#dfdfdf",
          "btn_disabled_text_color": "#545454",
          "slider_background": "#b1b6b8",
          "slider_background_circle": "#ffffff",
          "third_parties_background": "#eff0f0"
      "banner_position": "PositionBottom",
      "banner_animation": "SlideIn", 
      "font_base_scale": 1,
      "font_family": "Montserrat"

Currently, this JSON is stored in a remote storage, and the script with the oil-configuration ID integrated into the page retrieves it to display the banner according to the user’s desired configuration.

Although this is the default setup, it is possible to manually override the configuration parameters by modifying the script and inserting a JSON object with the keys you wish to change and their respective values. For example, to change the parameter related to the consent validity period, you simply need to include an object within the script in the following manner:

<script id="oil-configuration" type="application/configuration" data-remote-config="https://avacy-cdn.url/domain-group-uuid.json">
           "cookie_expires_in_days": "180"

In this way, the value of the parameter cookie_expires_in_days taken from the remote configuration will be overridden by the manually inserted value. Essentially, values set in this manner take precedence over those present in the remote configuration.

Below is a table with additional information for each parameter present in the configuration object. For each parameter, it is possible to perform an override as shown previously.

General settings

Generic Configuration Values

config_versionVersion of the configuration objectint
policy_versionVersion of the current privacy policyint
timeoutTimeout for auto-optin (-1 to disable)int | -1
cookie_expires_in_daysExpiration time of the OIL cookieint
languageInitial language of the banner
auto_languageFlag for automatic reading of the HTML page's lang attributebool
advanced_settingsEnables the preferences panelbool
close_without_consentsEnables the ‘x’ to reject allbool
reject_allEnables the ‘Reject All’ buttonbool
use_legintEnables legitimate interestbool
useStacksEnables display in stacks[int]

Power-Optin Management

poi_activate_poiPower-optin activatorbool
poi_group_nameJSON file name containing the group membersstring
poi_hub_originURL of the power-optin hubstring
poi_hub_pathRelative path to the hub originstring

IAB Management

iabVendorListUrlBase URL from which the GVL retrieves the vendor liststring
iabVendorWhitelistArray containing the IDs of visible vendors[int]
show_limited_vendors_onlyFlag to show only the IAB vendors in the whitelistbool

Additional Consent Management

additionalConsentUrlURL pointing to the JSON containing additional consent vendorsstring
atpWhitelistArray of visible vendors[int]

Custom Vendors Management

CustomVendorListUrlURL pointing to the JSON containing custom vendorsstring

SDK management

publisherName of the publisher if you want to customize SDK managementstring
deviceEnvironmentEnvironment in which the banner is used (“web”, “native”)string

Languages Object

languagesObject containing all strings divided by lang_codeobject


logo_urlURL of the logo to displaystring
font_base_scaleMultiplier for the base font sizenumber
font_familyName of the font family to applystring


colorsObject containing all the colors for the bannerobject


banner_positionPosition of the banner, configurable in 5 different ways.string
optin_on_scrollIndicates whether consent can be given via scrolling.bool
optin_scroll_amountIndicates the amount of scroll required for consent to be
animationAnimation on entry chosen between Opacity and Slide.string
require_optout_confirmBoolean value that enables or disables the confirmation modal for opting out of consents. If not specified, the default value is false.bool

First layer

label_button_yes Label pulsante per accettazione
label_button_advanced_settingsLabel pulsante pannello preferenze
label_button_reject_allLabel pulsante per rifiuto
label_intro_headingTitolo pannello layer 1
label_introTesto introduttivo

Second layer

Button and Text Labels

label_cpc_activate_allLabel for the ‘Activate All’ button.
label_cpc_deactivate_allLabel for the ‘Reject All’ button.
label_button_backLabel for the ‘Back’ button.
label_cpc_read_lessLabel for the ‘Read Less’ button.
label_cpc_read_moreLabel for the ‘Read More’ button.
label_cpc_saveLabel for the ‘Save and Continue’ button.
label_cpc_headingTitle for the layer 2 panel.
label_cpc_textIntroductory text for the internal panel.
Purpose Texts
label_cpc_purpose_titleTitle for the purpose section.
Special Purpose Texts
label_cpc_special_purpose_titleTitle for the special purpose section.
Feature Texts
label_cpc_feature_titleTitle for the feature section.
Special Feature Texts
label_cpc_special_feature_titleTitle for the special feature section.
IAB and Custom Vendor Details
label_cpc_legal_purpose_consentLabel for the vendor purpose details.
label_cpc_legal_special_purposesLabel for the vendor special purpose details.
label_cpc_legal_featuresLabel for the vendor feature details.
label_cpc_legal_special_featuresLabel for the vendor special feature details.
label_cpc_legal_purpose_leg_intLabel for the vendor purpose details (legitimate interest).
label_third_partyTitle for the IAB sidebar tab.
label_third_party_descriptionDescription text for the IAB section.
Other Providers (Custom Vendors)
label_custom_thirdparty_headingTitle for the sidebar tab for other providers.
Additional Consent
label_additional_consent_headingTitle for the sidebar tab for additional consent.
Legitimate Interest
label_third_party_object_legintText for the toggle to activate legitimate interest for third parties.
label_cpc_legint_box_testText for the legitimate interest checkbox.
label_cpc_legint_infobox_titleTitle for the legitimate interest infobox.
label_cpc_legint_infobox_descriptionDescription text for the legitimate interest infobox.
TCF 2.1
label_cpc_cookie_disclosure_infoLabel for the 'More Information' button.
label_cpc_disclosure_panel_titleTitle for the Additional Information panel.
label_cpc_disclosure_duration_prefixPrefix for the disclosed cookie duration.
label_cpc_retention_snippet_sessionLabel for session duration.
label_cpc_retention_snippet_undefinedText for undefined duration.
label_cpc_disclose_cookie_identifierText for the disclosed cookie ID.
label_cpc_disclose_cookie_typeText for the disclosed cookie type.
label_cpc_disclose_cookie_domainText for the disclosed cookie domain.
label_cpc_disclose_cookie_durationText for the disclosed cookie duration.
label_cpc_disclose_cookie_purposesText for the disclosed cookie purposes.
Stack Usage
label_cpc_more_stackText for opening stack details.
label_cpc_less_stackText for closing stack details.

To re-display the banner and modify the consent, you can call the showPreferenceCenter() in two modes:

  • absolute: Displays the Preference Center in the same style and position as the initial Cookie Banner. In this case, it is not necessary to specify the <div> tag with the id oil-preference-center.

  • inline: shows the Control Panel exactly where the tag is inserted

    <div id="oil-preference-center"></div>.

If no parameters are entered, the method will behave by default as if it were "inline", and will show the Control Panel as the last visible element of the body.

Addition of custom vendors

Custom Vendors are vendors that do not support the IAB standard. Avacy supports the ability to insert a list of custom vendors. This is possible from the SaaS by inserting a URL to a JSON file that contains the list with the aforementioned vendors.

In the image we see the result of adding a Custom Vendors within the banner configuration. The section is located under IAB vendors in the preferences panel.


First you need to create a json file containing the list of desired Custom Vendors.

For each custom vendor it is necessary to specify:

  • a unique id;
  • a name that will be shown in the banner;
  • the URL of the custom vendor policy;
  • the ids of the associated purposes;
  • two Javascript snippets one for opt-in and one for opt-out. These snippets are launched when the user updates the consent.

We report an example of a list of custom vendors where the Google vendor has been added with related purposes and snippets.

  "vendorListVersion": 123,
  "lastUpdated": "2018-11-27T01:25:33+01:00",
  "vendors": [
      "id": "Google",
      "name": "Google",
      "policyUrl": "",
      "purposeIds": [1, 2, 4],
      "optInSnippet": "hasGoogleConsent=true", 
      "optOutSnippet": "hasGoogleConsent=false"

Next, you need to make two changes to the global object for the banner to reflect the addition of the custom vendor list.

To this object, add the customVendorListUrl parameter, i.e. the public URL containing the previously created JSON (e.g. "//" ); finally, the following labels must be added to the banner configuration object, within each language that composes it:

  • label_custom_thirdparty_heading: the label text for the cookie preference center of the custom vendors section.
            // ...            
            "label_cpc_heading":"Cookie preferences center",
            "label_third_party":"Suppliers participating in IAB TCF",
            "label_custom_thirdparty_heading " : "Other vendors",
            "label_intro_heading":"We use cookies and other technologies",
            // ...

Visual configuration

The visual configuration part of the banner is represented by the portion of the configuration object identified by the visual_configuration key

The following object contains default values.

 "visual_configuration" : {
            "colors": {
                    "text_color_primary": "#80888c",
                    "text_color_secondary": "#262628",
                    "background_color": "#f9f9f9",
                    "secondary_background_color": "#dedede",
                    "accent_primary": "#0099f2",
                    "btn_primary_background": "#0099f2",
                    "btn_primary_background_hover": "#0d9ef3",
                    "btn_primary_text_color": "#ffffff",
                    "btn_secondary_background": "#0099f2",
                    "btn_secondary_background_hover": "#0d9ef3",
                    "btn_secondary_text_color": "#ffffff",
                    "btn_disabled_background": "#dfdfdf",
                    "btn_disabled_text_color": "#545454",
                    "slider_background": "#b1b6b8",
                    "slider_background_circle": "#ffffff",
                    "third_parties_background": "#eff0f0"
            "banner_position": "PositionBottom",
            "banner_animation": "SlideIn", 
            "font_base_scale": 1,
            "font_family": "Montserrat"
text_color_primaryPrimary text color
text_color_secondarySecondary text color
background_colorBanner background color
secondary_background_colorSecondary banner background color
accent_primaryPrimary accent color
btn_primary_backgroundPrimary button background color
btn_primary_background_hoverPrimary button background color on hover
btn_primary_text_colorPrimary button text color
btn_secondary_backgroundSecondary button background color
btn_secondary_background_hoverSecondary button background color on hover
btn_secondary_text_colorSecondary button text color
btn_disabled_backgroundDisabled button background color
btn_disabled_text_colorDisabled button text color
slider_backgroundToggle switch background color
slider_background_circleToggle switch circle color
third_parties_backgroundBackground color of the third parties section
LabelDescriptionPossible Values
banner_positionBanner positionTop, Bottom, Top Center, Bottom Center, Center
banner_animationEntrance animationOpacity, Slide
font_base_scaleText sizeSmall, Medium, Large, Custom size
font_familySpecifies the font family for the text. Must include the font.