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The content of this area is directed at the IT department or the vendor managing the client's business touchpoints. The goals of the document are:

  • To clearly define the integration procedures for the solution
  • To provide stakeholders with the necessary elements to ensure the proper functioning of Avacy
  • To serve as a guide for resolving issues related to the specific area of reference

Avacy SaaS (Software as a Service) is a platform for managing, configuring, and integrating the cookie banner to be inserted into a web page. Specifically, the software allows for modifying the aesthetic configuration of the banner, the texts displayed within it, and other general settings. In addition to features specifically related to the banner, the SaaS also allows for generating a cookie policy and a privacy policy in the appropriate sections.

For banner development, Avacy relies on the open-source framework Oil.js, appropriately customized**. **

All SaaS functionalities are grouped by domain group, allowing each to configure banners, privacy policies, cookie policies, and consent solutions, as well as generate the three scripts (described in the previous section) to be inserted into the web page to enable the banner. Each of these is documented in detail in the Avacy user manual.

Avacy's integration is based on the insertion of three script tags:

  • The first contains the banner configuration JSON;
  • The second contains the configuration for the OIL framework;
  • The third contains the oilstub, a small script that records all requests made to the CMP while waiting for the OIL script to load completely.

The management of these scripts will be explained in detail in the banner installation section.

Document Structure

The document is structured into three main sections.

In the Banner Installation section, the basic procedure for integrating the banner is described. The aim is to ensure that, once created and configured through Avacy SaaS, the banner appears on the web page.

In the Configuration Object section, the configuration object is shown, namely a JSON containing all the values set for the banner in Avacy SaaS, to illustrate how this configuration is managed and how it can be further customized.

Subsequent sections then detail all the functionalities of the banner, offering a general overview of their purpose, the preliminary procedures required for their proper functioning, and how they can be implemented in the banner.