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Change the Team's payment plan

You can always change your Team's payment plan on Avacy. To do this, simply go to the Home page and, under the indication of the plan currently used by the Team, click on the "Change plan" button.

A page will open that allows you to modify the characteristics of the Team plan. It will be possible to change your Team's plan by selecting one of the other available plans and then clicking on “Change plan” at the bottom.

The Free Plan of Avacy allows you to manage a single web space. Therefore, if multiple web spaces are managed in the Team, it will not be possible to select the free plan but only one of the paid plans.

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On this page it is also possible to increase the number of web spaces of the team, by changing the number in the drop-down menu "How many web spaces do you want to manage compliance with?" and change the billing from monthly to annual, or vice versa.