Adding a new domain (web space)
On Avacy, the term "web space" is used to refer to your website (e.g., The web space includes the main domain and any associated third-level domains (e.g.,
If you are the owner or manager of a web space, you can add it to the platform and start managing its compliance. Adding a web space is a two-way communication process, allowing Avacy to communicate with it and vice versa. Therefore, you will later be asked to connect Avacy to your site to facilitate this communication.
Adding your web space to Avacy is very simple and accessible to everyone, but if you encounter any problems, we invite you to contact us through support at
Once logged in, from the Home page click on the "Add new web space" button at the top right and start the step-by-step guided procedure.
- Enter basic information:
- Your web space: depending on the characteristics of your web space, select "https" or "http", then enter the full address (e.g., Adding "www" is not mandatory.
- Automatic scans: if enabled, they allow Avacy to inspect your web space cyclically, in order to identify new technologies installed to declare and help you comply with compliance. It is also possible to activate the option that allows new cookies and suppliers detected by the scan to be automatically added to your lists.
- Languages to use: choose the primary language of your web space from the dropdown. If the site is multilingual, you can also add one or more secondary languages.
- Choose webspace typology: In this step Avacy asks you to select the type of web space that best describes your site from those proposed. If none of the options match your site you can choose “Other”.
- Enter data: in this section, the personal data of the data controller is requested. The data entered must be those of the web space owner, not the manager. You are then asked to specify whether the owner is a company (e.g., John Doe Srl) or an individual (John Doe), to enter the email, address, city, state, ZIP code, province, phone number, and VAT number. In the case of an individual, the tax code is also required. To comply with GDPR, you are asked to enter the DPO's email (i.e., the person managing data protection within your entity), but this field is not mandatory and can be filled or modified later. You can automatically fill in the fields by choosing from the options in the Choose from those already used field and recovering data previously used in other web spaces or for invoicing. If you do not have the time or all the required data at this moment, you can also opt to postpone this step by checking the "I will enter the data controller's details later" checkbox.
- Select providers: Avacy has conducted an initial inspection of your web space to identify which technologies are installed. You will see a table showing these technologies (referred to as Providers on Avacy) and adding the most popular ones on the web today (Facebook, Google Ads, Google Analytics, etc.). Select those that you know are present and active on your web space and once finished, click "Next". This step is not mandatory, and the selected providers can be modified in the future.
- Connect to your web space: in order to display the cookie banner on your web space and initiate bi-directional communication, it is necessary to connect Avacy to your web space. This can be done through WordPress, Google Tag Manager, or manually, but if this is not your task, we suggest contacting the person responsible for this within your company. In this guide, you can learn more about the different installation procedures. This step is essential to comply with the obligation to have a cookie banner on your web space.
Once you click "End", the guided procedure will end, and you will be redirected to the Avacy home, where you will see your new web space added to the list.